Sunday, February 12, 2012

Weekend Cinema Spotlight: Love Story

"Love Story" (1970)

"Love means never having to say you're sorry." Those are the final words spoken at the end of this memorable love story spoken by one of the main characters, Oliver, played by Ryan O'Neal.

It also stars Ali MacGraw as Jenny and Classic Film Star Ray Milland as Oliver's father.

It's a simple story really. Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy. Boy's father is against their marriage but they marry anyway. They forge a life together and just when they decide to try and have a baby, they discover that Jenny is seriously ill.

Scenes from "Love Story" (1970)

O'Neal and MacGraw are convincing as two young people in love trying to just live life as best as they can, but together. It is a testament and reminder of how fragile life can be and how life can throw us the unexpected.

WARNING: This film is a tear jerker! And even if you don't weep then you will defiantly feel moved by the final scenes.

Now please pass me a tissue...sniffle, sniffle.


1 comment:

  1. I used to watch this movie with my mom when I was a kid. I always cried. It's such a touching ,sad story.


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